Principles of Biblical Counseling

May 20, 2019
6 weeks


General Course , Leadership

Learn to help others overcome.

We know as believers that God’s Word and the work of the Holy Spirit bring about transformation. Yet, we can still face struggles in the flesh because of past wounds and pains. These can become areas of bondage, or blind spots, in our lives. Often God will use another believer to help us overcome these life-controlling issues. In this course, we will look at the principles of Christ-centered biblical counseling – how the condition of fallen human nature impacts us and how someone skilled in biblical counseling can help affect change.

This practical course addresses such questions as: What are we listening for? What are the true needs? What are the lies? By examining these questions, we will discover how to make a spiritual assessment of the issues. This course will provide opportunities to discuss and examine case scenarios, and also to practice our biblical counseling skills. The goal is to help others overcome the obstacles that keep them from transformation and victory through Jesus Christ.



Claire Brennan


Mondays, May 20 – June 24, 6:30 – 9:30 pm
